torsdag 16 maj 2019

3 års Paus

Det är 2019 och även om jag inte skrivit något här på 3 år så har jag inte glömt bloggen eller slutat skriva. Min tanke är att få den här bloggen up and running again. Jag hoppas att ni kommer det jag lägger ut och ni får gärna heja på mig nu när jag ska ge mig ni i det här igen.

Se fram emot nya karaktärer, nya historier.

Vad kommer hände med de historier som fanns här?
Tyvärr kommer jag skrota dem som är påbörjade av den enkla anledningen att jag inte vet vad jag hade tänkt mig med dem. Jag vet knappt karaktärerna heller. Det är möjligt att jag någon gång kommer återuppliva någon av dem men som det ser ut idag kommer det förmodligen inte hända.

När kommer du lägga ut nya inlägg?
Mitt mål är att lägga ut varje måndag, om det går bra kommer jag sedan kanske öka hur ofta jag lägger ut och hur många historier som läggs ut samtidigt.

Ni får som alltid gärna ge mig feedback och dela gärna med er av era idéer så kanske jag kan göra dem verklighet.

Ha en fin dag, XOXO

måndag 20 februari 2017

Your Story - Prolog

General 2560x1440 macro books grass

I am a normal girl. I guess you can say I was a normal girl. Since I was little I was always one of those girls that had her nose in a book. Books were always my everything. The real world never seemed to compare to the stories in books. The thing was that when life caught up to me, I wasn't ready. Not even close. 

I closed the book and stood up. The sun was hitting my face and it was hot. I hadn't realized until now and left out backyard. The air made it hard to breath but summer was always my favorit season of all. The dresses, the skirts, the free time to read all the books that I could. I knew that for all my friends (the few I had), summer meant friends, parties and the beach. Some of them had work too. No one invited me to parties but even if I got invited I never went. I made a left and found myself on the road that went into town. My converse were making sounds together with the gravel on the ground. A few blocks away I stopped. In front of me was a tiny bookstore. However, this bookstore was my favorit and they had all the books I could ask for. 
"Looking for something special today?" the owner asked as I went in and I smiled. The owner of the bookstore was maybe seventy and an old Chinese man. He was always smiling and nice to me. 
"No Mr. Chang," I said back and made my way between the shelf's. I took up every book that seemed interesting and then put it back after reading the back. After what probably was an hour I walked up to Mr. Chang. 
"Mr. Chang don't you have any new books?" I asked and looked at the old man that met me with a smile like always. "I think I have out read your store." 
"No, nothing new for now," he said but came out from the counter. "However I do have a book that I think you will like." The old man made his way to the far back shelf and pulled out an old book and dusted it of. It looked like it had been in the store for as long as Mr. Chang and I smiled as he gave me the book.
"You see, there is no point in reading all these books if you haven't lived a little yourself," he said and walked back to the counter. I looked after him, sure that he had lost his mind. I turned the book around and read the back. It was about a boy who was famous and a girl that by accident got in his way. The book seemed to have a good story but the ending seemed predictable. I look at the book one more time and read the text on the front. "Your story." Weird name for a book. However I decide to trust Mr. Chang and take the book to the counter to pay. He takes my hand and smile.
"Don't you worry about it," he says and release my hand. "You can pay next time." 
As soon as he says the words I realize I have forgotten my wallet at home and smile back to the old man.
"Thank you," I said and left the store with my new book in hand.